McCulla Ireland offer a comprehensive range of temperature controlled storage facilities with capacity to handle ambient, chilled and frozen goods.

Our main storage site is strategically located on the main arterial route to the South of Ireland. Our multi-temperature facility has been consistently awarded the BRC Gold Standard, highlighting the emphasis we put on the safety & quality of our operations. Open 24 hours a day, 364 days a year with over 9,000 pallet spaces available across our facility McCulla Ireland are strongly placed to meet your storage requirements.

Operating the market-leading Accellos One Warehouse Management Software® means we can react instantly to a change in the market place as well as the ever changing needs of our customers. This system operates through handheld terminals and picking is carried out using voice activated technology.
It allows our customers complete peace of mind as well as online visibility of their whole product range in our facility from the comfort of their own desk.
Chilled storage involves the goods being kept in a secure environment where the temperature never exceeds 4 ºC or drops below 0ºC. At McCulla we have two separate chilled storage chambers, capable of running at client specific temperatures and with an overall ability to store up to 3500 pallets.
Frozen storage requires the produce to be kept in an environment below zero degrees Celsius. At McCulla Ireland we have three frozen stores that are kept at -18 ºC and below and are controlled and monitored using state of the art Danfoss plant management systems.
Our recent expansion has seen McCulla Ireland add an ambient dimension to our ever growing portfolio of services. This latest venture has expanded rapidly and has witness two further extensions in the past two years.