Cross Docking
Cross-docking is a process whereby cargo is moved from one transport vehicle directly into another, with minimal or no warehousing. In retail practice, cross-docking operations may utilize staging areas where inbound materials are sorted, consolidated, and stored until the outbound shipment is complete and ready to ship.
On top of our more traditional assembly functions our ten port docking area facilitates cross docking to maximise load efficiency and decrease wasted mileage.
McCulla has recently become the country’s first foodservice distribution specialist to implement voice-directed picking.
The Zetes’ 3iV Crystal voice solution, Vocollect’s Talkman T5 voice computers, VoiceClient and VoiceConsole have been integrated directly with the Accellos Warehouse Management System®. Giving McCulla the most advanced real-time visibility of warehouse operations currently available within the industry.
Our dedicated and experienced picking team now offers accuracy of over 99.75%. Offering one of the most effective and competitive services in Ireland.