September 28, 2020

What is IPAFFS?

IPAFFS stands for ‘Import of products, animals, food and feed system’. IPAFFS is a web-based service for the application for, and issuing of, Common Health Entry […]
October 1, 2020

EORI Numbers Explained

Accessing your EORI number is the first step in the customs process.  You cannot import or export without it. This article explains what an EORI number […]
October 2, 2020

Commodity Codes Explained

Once you have established your EORI company identification number(s) you will need to understand your commodity codes. This article explains what commodity codes are, why you […]
October 3, 2020

Incoterms Explained

This article covers what incoterms are, why you need them and what you need to do. What are Incoterms? Incoterms describe the commercial arrangement between the […]